Outpour Orphanage School Uganda

Join us in our mission to provide quality education and a nurturing environment for orphaned children in Uganda. Outpour Orphanage School aims to offer a safe, supportive space where children can learn, grow, and thrive. Your donations will help us construct classrooms, purchase educational materials, and provide meals and healthcare for the students. Together, we can create a brighter future for these children. Please donate and share our campaign to make a lasting impact!



Hi, nice to meet you

Phil and the wife(Sharon)have to sometimes borrow to keep the school afloat. As this month is ending, they have to pay teachers salaries which they don't have now. Despite opening up the school to the community, they aren't yet able to collect the necessary funding from the parents who are able to pay. There are six teachers at the school. Each teacher earns $75 per month. So they spend $450 per month on teachers' salaries. The school spends more than $500 monthly on utilities.

Please keep us in prayers that we may raise the necessary support to pay all the teachers monthly. With your support we can do so much in Uganda. Uganda is currently going through a tough economic situation. Please pray for Phil also that he may get a stable job in the near future so that he may support children more from his hard earned finances. I have always believed that God's will is His Bill. The orphanage school is a project that many abandoned children benefit from. With your prayers and support, an orphaned child is being able to be kept in school. 

 Your donation goes far in helping. Please Check our Facebook pages for any updates. Outpour children's foundation.